Independent university of Banja Luka has the honor and pleasure to invite members of domestic and international scientific community and interested expert to submit scientific or expert works and take part in international scientific conference: “INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND SECURITY IN MULTIPOLAR WORLD – CURRENT STATE, CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES”. The conference will take place in Banja Luka on 24th and 25th of November 2022.
Organization board of the international conference „INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND SECURITY IN MULTIPOLAR WORLD – CURRENT STATE, CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES” – have proposed topics as follow:
- History of development of international relations;
- Modern theories of international relations;
- International relations before, during and after World War I;
- International relations before, during and after World War II;
- International relations in the beggining of XXI century- characteristics and perspectives;
- Globalization and international relations;
- Influence of local, regional and global organizations at the movements in international relations during XX century;
- Role of national state in international relations;
- National state and global goverment and non-goverment organisations;
- International relations in multipolar world – challenges and perspectives;
- Modern theories of international security;
- International security during XX century;
- Collecitve security at the beggining of XXI century;
- Influence of non goverment acters on global security;
- Challenges, risks and threats to global sistem of security;
- Role and place of smaller countries in international relations and global security in bipolar world;
Authors are free to suggest additional topics, if the topics are within the theme of international relations and international security.
Please confirm your attendance for the Conference on e-mail:
We will confirm your application on your e-mail adress. Authors of accepted themes/summaries will be notified of acceptance according to dates posted below.
Speaking language of the conference is English, and authors are allowed to submit their summaries in Serbian alongside the required English summaries.
Applications must contain:
- First and last name alongside the academic title of author;
- Name of the authors home institution;
- Authors contact (e-mail, phone number and adress), with the authors indication for correspondence in all phases of reviews and publishing, if there are more than 1 author.
Important notes for authors:
Papers that get positive reviews will be published in Collection of the papers from scientific conference.
Author must adhere to the following standards:
- Papers need to be written in Microsoft Word, and not in PDF system, for purposes of tehnical editing of the publication;
- The volume of work needs to be between 8 and 12 pages;
- The papers need to be in Times New Roman font in size 12, spacing 1, with the alignment on both sides;
- The title of the work needs to be written in capital letters with font size of 14, bolded and centered;
- Below the title write the first and last name of the author alongside the academic title and home institution of authors employment;
- In the footnote write down e-mail adress;
- The work needs to have title and abstract written in Serbian or Russian alongside English language, with key words and main text;
- The Abstract needs to be at the beggining of said work;
- The Abstract needs to be the size of one paragraph up to 300 words, in Times New Roman font, size 12 writen in italic.
- Key words are stated below abstract, up to five key words, written in Times New Roman font, size 12, italic.
- The main text needs to have sections with subsections (you dont have to numerate them).
- The research work needs to have introduction highlighting the problem, applied method, presentation of achieved results, discussion, concluding remarks, literature,
- At the end of the work the authors are needed to list the used literature during the writing of the paper. Bibliographic unit needs to have first and last name of the author, year of publishing, name of publication (in cursive), place of publishing and name of the publisher. Citation of chapters in the book, arcticles in magazines and web documents realize according to usuall APA standards.
- During citation APA standards of citation are to be used.
- The papers will be printed in black and white technique, so ilustrations in color are unnecessary.
- Pictures and tables are to be understandable, have numbering and legends.
- The work needs to be proofread.
- The works that are submitted, if violating the guidelines will not be accepted.
- The applications and abstracts that arrive after the deadline will not be put into consideration.
- Themes/abstracts can be submitted individually or with co-autorship (2 authors maximum).
- All received works will be reviewed by the team of reviewers
- The works that demand significant alterations or additions will be returned to author for alterations and reviews before publishing.
During the review period the review board will categorize all received works by:
Categories of scientific works:
- Original scientific paper
- Review scientific paper
- Short scientific article
- Scientific critique, polemic or overview
- Presentation from scientific meeting
- Expert work
Important dates:
- until 27. Јuly 2022. – application of participation and admission of abstracts of papers.
- until 27. August 2022. – notification to author about acceptance of theme and abstract of work.
- until 01. October 2022. – admission of complete papers.
- 24. – 25. November 2022. – Conference (schedule of scientific conference will be delivered subsequently to participants)